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The Daily The

A family-style zine, written by me and my sister Marci. The Daily The started before we could drive, and now that we are old fogies we try to put out one issue per year.

I remember back in the early ’90s some reviewer likening our zine to “reading other people’s mail.” So be warned: though we do include some general interest articles (e.g., karaoke bar recommendations, an advice column), TDT also still serves its original role of covering family news and personal stories. I’d like to think you can find the humor/point in them even if you don’t know the people, but I realize it’s shaky ground.


#25: Includes stories on cruising Loup City with neighbor boys, recapturing summer feelings,  doing sweaty yoga, and enjoying single life.

#26: Includes stories on country music, a tribute to our old house on RR 1, making it in the post-apocalyptic economy, and karaoke bar reviews.

#27: Includes stories on lots of pregnancy-related themes, the Spice Girls reunion, Hawaiian living, and an exclusive interview with Jimmy.

#28: Our first theme issue in ages: The Madonna Issue!  Includes ideas for new Madonna boyfriends, an account of her last concert, our reviews of all her albums and much, much more.

#29: Includes our Career Guide, a harrowing tale of being snowed in for days with the entire family, a self-guided tour of Twin Peaks locations, and Nebraska-Colorado game hijinks.

#30: 20 years and 30 issues of The Daily The.  Looking back at it all–an immersion into the Nebraska adolescent experience of the ’90s. Giant double issue.


Full size zine, 20-24 pages. Issues available: #25, #26 #27,  #28, #29 and #30. $1 plus $1.50 cents postage.

To order, email thedailythe(at)